First Grade's ABC Countdown Dance Party!
Congratulations to Mrs. Clary on being named Educator of the Year by the Angola Area Chamber of Commerce!! Thank you for your dedication to the students at Ryan Park!!
Kindergarten learned how to play GO FISH in KIP this month thanks to the amazing helpers in Miss Kobelak’s 5th grade class.
First Grade celebrated C day by Camping out in our rooms. We also had a visit from the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo where we learned about different animal coverings and got to meet 3 of their animals!
First Grade ABC Countdown. Today was letter B, Bubble Day! We had a blast learning about how bubbles work, and then getting to blow some bubbles outside!
Students in Miss Kobelak's class created their own Universe in a Box today! They learned about constellations and the Universe in a Box demonstrates why we see different stars depending on the season. The box shows that when the earth rotates, it faces different sides of the universe, which is why we see different constellations throughout the year. The students were excited to take their boxes home and show what they learned!
Mrs. Dominique’s class had a great time at our Career Fair today! Thank you to everyone in the community who made it a memorable day!
The 2023 Elementary Career Fair was a huge sucess! A huge thank you to our Elementary Guidance Department and our community partners for creating this wonderful opportunity for our students! #Apride #smallcommunitybigopportunity
The 2023 Elementary Career Fair is under way! #APride
Talk about an egg-citing week! Kindergarten had 14 chicks hatch!! It was a great way to learn about the chicken life cycle.
Don't forget to adjust your clocks tonight before bed!
Mrs. Dominique and Mrs. Anderson got their classes together to create Leprechaun traps! They are waiting in Mrs. Dominique’s classroom to see if we can catch these sneaky creatures.
Due to the continued slick roads, we will have a live eLearning day today! We will follow the same schedules as last Friday! We'll see you on Google Meet soon! #Apride
Congratulations to our February Rhino's Way award winners! Awesome job showing the Rhino's Way everyday!!!
Miss Hartman’s class loved playing and learning in wacky ways! Playing with oobleck, writing and drawing upside down, and eating banana dogs for snack were just some of the fun things that made Wacky Wednesday a blast!!
Storms, internet and power out, oh my! Our tech team is working through the night and weekend so we're ready for Monday! "Had to vacate all vm's and restart. Now going server to server, restarting to check discs. It will take all day and then the physical servers after that."
First Grade celebrated Dr. Suess' birthday by reading The Butter Battle Book. We then did an experiment to see if the students were Yooks (ate the bread with the butter side up) or Zooks (ate the bread with the butter side down). We have more Yooks than Zooks!
Students will be joining their teachers for live learning today.
Here is a quick reminder of how to do that.
Today, 3/3/2023, will be our first Live eLearning Day. Here, you will find our attendance procedures and schedules for all Live eLearning days.
We will be closing today and implementing an elearning day. Models show heavy snow beginning at 11. We want to be sure our students get home safely during the afternoon travel time. This will be our first LIVE eLearning day! We'll see you soon on Google Meet!